Wednesday, 24 April 2013

 In the old testament it is said when you die you would go to a place called Sheol, everybody would go there, it was a place of conscious existence. The word Sheol mean "grave" "pit" or "abode of the dead". a place of stillness an darkness cut off from god.
it is said there are inhabitants of Sheol call "shades" entities without personality or strength.
In the new testament the equivalent to Sheol is Hades, and the use of the work "hell" is not Gehenna (a place of eternal torment) but Hades (a place of the dead).



 Gehenna is a place just outside ancient Jerusalem, a big pit, full of rubbish and waste, it would smell so bad that it would get set on fire and would burn for days if not weeks. The fire was also used for the Jerusalem authorities to burn the bodies of executed criminals. over time it was said if you was wicked you would go to Gehenna and burn in the fires as an eternal torment and suffering and this was the first concept of a fiery hell that was known because up until then hell wasn't a fiery place but a dark place like a waste land.

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